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Low Carb Denver 2019

Low Carb Denver 2019 Speakers

Join me, Nadia Brito Pateguana, and Dr. Jason Fung, and the myriad of speakers above, at Low Carb Denver 2019.

"We invite you to Low Carb Denver 2019. This is now our fourth year and growth continues! We have added many new speakers along with some of the regulars, bringing you fresh and interesting topics, a fascinating panel discussion, Q&A sessions and our famous Five Minutes of Fame session. Hashtags: #LCD19 #LowCarbDenver #LowCarbConferences

The conference is open to all including the general public, health, nutrition and fitness enthusiasts, the scientific community, policymakers and healthcare professionals. Another great opportunity to learn, meet distinguished guests, network, socialize and enjoy!

For healthcare professionals, application for CME credit will be filed with the American Academy of Family Physicians. If you are a non-physician healthcare professional such as a PA, NP, RN, CDE, RD, DDS or DPM for example, we understand that these organizations generally accept AMA PRA Category 1 credit(s)â„¢. Please check with your organization regarding educational credit. Our content continues to address the latest science, research, evidence and clinical approaches. In previous years 15 to 20 hours of CME credit have been approved.

AAFP Prescribed credit is accepted by the American Medical Association as equivalent to AMA PRA Category 1 credit(s)™ toward the AMA Physician’s Recognition Award."

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